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WinGrodan 2 CIS changelog


WinGrodan 2 CIS changelog


Created 2023-11-08

  • Fix layout bug in current heat that caused latest splits and current leader to not always be visible.



Created 2023-11-01

  • Renamed FINA points to AQUA points according to information from World Aquatics.
  • Fix minor UI bug.
  • Program settings are now backed up when starting and closing the program.
  • Updated installer to use newer version of Microsoft VC++ redist.



Created 2023-09-25

  • Para sport class is now shown on videoboard timekeeping list if swimmer is a para swimmer.



Created 2023-08-28

  • Added individual point lists to CIS.
  • Updated swedish manual for the CIS software.
  • Added english manual for the CIS software as PDF file. The manual is opened when you select the Help menu.



Created 2023-08-15

  • Updated Danish texts.
  • Updated Finnish texts.
  • Updated Faroe Island texts.
  • Hide unused setting in menu.



Created 2023-05-17

  • Added tab for the announcter to view disqualifications and mark which disqualifications has been announced. Note: Requires WinGrodan 2 Admin v2.9.8537.19904 or later.
  • Fix bug so it correctly shows swimmer nation code in the current heat table.
  • Updated translations.



Created 2022-10-05

  • Updated internal components.
  • Installation file now also show a Launch button when the installation is done if user wants to start the program again.



Created 2022-09-13

  • Changed the way the the program is checking if database is online so it does not use ICMP ping messages since these can be blocked by firewalls.
  • Fix bug where sometimes the club column could become the first column in the current heat grid instead. The lane column should now always be the first column.
  • Updated internal components to handle new event type.



Created 2022-09-05

  • Make sure to reload current heat correctly in CIS.
  • Fix bug where sometimes the result tabs disappear.



Created 2022-07-06

  • Updated translations
  • Updated data components



Created 2022-03-31

  • Changed video window template to show WPS points or FINA points instead of distance at finish if the event is set to sort rank by FINA points or WPS points or if the swimmer is a para-swimmer.
  • Fixed bug when opening video window. The video window will now show the last heat that was sent by WG2 Timekeeping.
  • Fixed bug if a rank has been saved in database before the lane was saved.
  • Updated third party components.



Created 2022-03-01

  • Added support for age groups that are selected to show result lists alphabetically. These age group will now be sorted alphabetically in the age group result tab to the right in the CIS software.



Created 2022-01-19

  • Fix bug when receiving an updated rank on a lane.
  • Fixed bug where previous heat and next heat would not work correctly for the video board.
  • In result view make sure to only show ranks that has competitors.
  • Updated Finnish texts.
  • Updated Faroe Island texts.



Created 2021-11-18

  • The current leader in the current timekeeping heat will now auto-update if the current event leader changes during a race instead of only updating the current leader when the current heat is loaded.
  • Updated Danish language.
  • Fix some small bugs.



Created 2021-11-01

  • Changed installation file so that some components are properly installed in all cases. This error could show when trying to start the program and getting an error message about a missing file.



Created 2021-10-30

  • Fix bug that prevented result lists to display on the videoboard.
  • You can now hoover with the mouse over the grids for relay events to see the relay swimmers in the current lane that you hoover over.
  • Added button in the LiveTiming tab to open a new window that will show the relay swimmers for the current heat.
  • Added button to show detailed relay results in the results tab so the announcer can see the individual times for each relay swimmer for the selected event and age group.
  • Updated Danish language.



Created 2021-10-20

  • Fix bug that would not update the rank correctly when you open an event manually in CIS.
  • Fixed bug that could cause video window to scale wrong.
  • If a swimmer is set as disqualified when the race is ongoing it will now not show the DSQ status for the announcer until the heat status has been set to Confirmed.
  • Updated to Devexpress v21.1.6.
  • Updated Danish language
  • Updated Finnish language
  • Updated Faroe Island language



Created 2021-08-10

  • Fix bug where sometimes the live times (split times or finish times) would not show on videoboard in CIS.



Created 2021-06-21

  • Fixed bug that displayed an error in WinGrodan 2 CIS when trying to send age group result lists to videoboard.
  • Fixed bug that caused the point lists to not be visible in WinGrodan 2 CIS.



Created 2021-06-07

IMPORTANT: If you update to this version of WinGrodan 2 CIS then you must also upgrade WinGrodan 2 Admin and WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping to the latest version v2.8 on all your computers.

  • Fixed bug that caused ranks to not update correcly in the current heat grid.



Created 2021-06-02

IMPORTANT: If you update to this version of WinGrodan 2 CIS then you must also upgrade WinGrodan 2 Admin and WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping to the latest version v2.8 on all your computers.

  • Added so it is now possible to have overlapping age groups and swimmers can be in several different age groups in the same event and still get correct rank.
  • Running time can now be more than 1 hour.



Created 2021-03-02

  • Fixed bug where the scoreboard type selection was not valid if you previously had an old videoboard scoreboard type selected.



Created 2021-02-15

Please make sure you also update WinGrodan 2 Admin and WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping to the latest version.

  • Fixed bug where the video window settings would not be changed from the settings window.
  • Fixed bug where the video window properties could not be changed by using the keyboard shortcuts.
  • Updated component files.



Created 2021-01-25

  • Changed video board windows to use new templates instead of Flash templates since Flash has now been removed from Windows.
    You also do not need to select if you want 8 or 10 lanes when choosing video board, the template should be able to select lanes automatically.
  • Added Finnish translation to the program.



Created 2020-08-19

  • A column with swimmer Age will now be visible if competition has enabled the setting to show age instead of year born.
  • Added danish manual.
  • Program will now show better error messages when it fails to activate a license.



Created 2020-05-12

  • Updated the video scoreboard templates that were not working correctly in the previous version.
  • Added diff to entry time for the swimmers in the current heat.



Created 2020-04-15

  • Updated 8 lane video template to show the last 50 split in smaller font if it is more than 1 minute.
  • Updated some third party controls and components.



Created 2020-02-04

  • Running time and live timekeeping data for the scoreboard is now sent using a more reliable way. Now you should not have to enable Jumbo frames in your network card.
    Important note: You must update WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping to version v2.5.7339.27567 or later for the scoreboard to work!
  • Added translation from Faroe Islands.
  • Database connection will now try to reconnect better if network connection is temporary lost.



Created 2019-12-10

  • Updated video scoreboard templates to work when selecting Live communication protocol Version 1 in WinGrodan 2 Timekeeping.
  • Fixed bug in graphical scoreboard where club short name would not be visible on the scoreboard.



Created 2019-10-14

  • Added video board template for 12 lanes.
  • Updated manual so it now includes chapter about the settings window for the video window.



Created 2019-09-25

  • Fixed bug where result lists would not show on videoboard for some lane configurations.



Created 2019-06-05

  • Added more danish language to program.



Created 2019-04-29

  • Added video scoreboards for next heat and previous heat.
  • Make sure to sort the split grid in correct order.



Created 2019-03-06

  • Added label for event sponsor for current event in ribbon.
  • Added label for event sponsor when opening an event in results tab.



Created 2019-02-18

  • Added support for Masters events.
  • Added column in relay events to show the age of the relay team. For normal events this is the age of the oldest swimmer. For Masters events this is the sum of all ages for all swimmers in the team.



Created 2019-01-29

  • Swedish manual has been added to the CIS program. Open the manual by selecting Open manual button in the menu.
  • Some buttons were missing language support and they now have language support.



Created 2019-01-24

  • Updated database drivers.



Created 2018-11-20

  • Added support to show records in CIS program for current event.
  • Video window settings now shows a list of keyboard shortcuts.
  • The video window settings button is now invisible unless a video window is selected as scoreboard type.



Created 2018-10-04

  • Fixed bug in CIS that showed an error message when changing lane numbers for current heat.
  • Auto-follow delay in CIS can now be set up to 30 seconds instead of 20 seconds.
  • Hide the Enable updates toggle button in Scoreboard section unless graphical scoreboard is selected.
  • Added video settings window where user easy can change the settings of the video scoreboard window.



Created 2018-09-10

  • Added autoupdates to program
  • Added button to show top 3 results for selected event and agegroup for victory ceremony



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