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Quantum full version 6.1.24163.0

Erik Fornander

This is the full installation of Quantum swimming and DRC for the base installation. Use this installation if you do not have Quantum software already installed on your computer or if you have a very old version of Quantum software already installed. This version includes the I/O protocol needed to connect to Swimify Meet Manager system.

Installation instructions:

  1. If you already have Quantum Swimming installed on the computer then it is recommended that you first uninstall Quantum Swimming software and then uninstall Quantum DRC software. If you do not have Quantum installed on your computer then you can continue to step 2.

  2. Download the Zip file and extract it into a folder. Then go into the folder and run the file intro.exe.

  3. Install Microsoft .NET 4.8 Framework

  4. Install Microsoft VC_redist.x64

  5. Install DRC Base libraries 6.1.24060.1

  6. Click Launch QUANTUM SW Application 6.1.24163.0

IMPORTANT: You must have this version or later installed for it to work correctly if you want to use the Quantum Swimify DH protocol.

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